Monday, August 31, 2009

Adakah engkau untukku??

Sigh... Kenapa aku mengeluh??
Entah lah aku rasa lain macam je sejak kebelakangan ini.
Bukan kerana gusar atau gundah gulana, bahkan seronok.
Kenapa aku seronok ye?? Haaa...

Aku seronok sebab tiap-tiap malam aku ditemani oleh seorang insan yang best.
Bukan dia seorang je yang teman aku malam-malam,
ada ramai lagi rakan-rakan lain. Tetapi yang ni special sket.

Kenal dah lama, bercakap jarang sekali.
Bertahun-tahun kami tidak bercakap bersama.
Tetapi kebelakangan ini, kami seperti uda dan dara di alam maya.
Hati berkata, adakah dia orang nya??

Setelah lama tidak berjumpa, satu malam kami ketemu di alam maya.
Si Dara bertanya khabar si Uda, dan sebaliknya.
Akhirnya perbualan menjadi hangat dengan kisah cinta masing-masing..

Aku berdoa lagi siang dan malam mohon petunjuk daripada Illahi.
Mudah-mudahan Dia makbulkan doaku. InsyaAllah.
Hati ini berkata lagi, benarkah aku untuk dia?? Atau sekadar dipinggiran..

Kau tahu siapakah yang aku maksudkan...
kau tahu siapa dirimu..
Usah berdalih lagi, kau tahu entry ini untuk kau.
Karena kau ....

yang suh aku buat entry ni utk kau kan... Dah tak kira, lepas ni aku nk kau buat entry utk aku plak...

p/s: jgn nk flower lebih ye cik wan.. hoho... romantik tak aku??? kekekekeke...


Happy Merdeka Day people!! Yes today we are celebrating our 52nd Independence Day. Alhamdulillah we all still have the chance to celebrate our Big Day [Merdeka]! We as Malaysians should be proud to ourselves and our country.Yeah!!

This year Merdeka falls in Holy Ramadhan. Ameen. Cause we got more Rahmat celebrating our Merdeka Day in this Holy Month. I just want to share to you people some of my thoughts regarding Merdeka.

Sambutan Merdeka tahun ni sangatlah biasa. Tak havoc like previous years. Mungkin banyak faktor yang mendorong. Antaranya disebabkan menghormati Ramadhan. Lantas konsert-konsert Merdeka seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya tidak dapat dijalankan seperti biasa. Komen saya; bagus!! Tak perlu ada konsert pun utk meraikan kemerdekaan. There are a lot of ways for us to celebrate our National Day.

I have noticed the reason why this year's celebration not as havoc as previous year not only because of Ramadhan, (like I said tak semestinya Ramadhan kita x bole sambut, a lot of ways can be used to celebrate) but kesedaran rakyat Malaysia akan nilai kemerdekaan makin pupus dimakan hari.

Kalau kita sedar, dah jarang masyarakat mengibarkan Jalur Gemilang sama ada dikenderaan, dirumah mahupun dipremis-premis perniagaan. Iklan-iklan kemerdekaan juga kurang di Tv, cerita atau filem-filem kemerdekaan juga kurang dipaparkan, syarikat-syarikat besar gagal tunjukkan effort utk meraikan kemerdekaan. Mengapa?

Mengapa semangat menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan kita suram tahun demi tahun? Adakah masyarakat Malaysia sudah selesa dgn status-quo yang ada?? Mengapa kita tidak semaikan semangat pejuang-pejuang kemerdekaan seperti dahulu kala?? Jawapan ditangan anda.

Again Malaysian we should be proud of what we are having now. Negara aman dan harmoni. Pedulikan unsur-unsur perkauman yang busuk itu. Persetankan krisis-krisis politik tidak sihat yang wujud dinegara kita. Jangan disebabkan fahaman politik, kita gagal bersatu dibawah satu nama, Malaysia tercinta. We are 1 Malaysia. We should be proud of it.

Last words from me Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke-52 Negara Malaysia. Ingat susah payah pemimpin-pemimpin terdahulu untuk mendapatkan Kemerdekaan Negara. Jauhi diri anda daripada sifat berdengki dan suka menghasud. InsyaAllah God is gonna bless us!!

p/s: tiba-tiba teringat kepada The Late Yasmin Ahmad. She was an example to the word 1 Malaysia. To all my friends [Melayu+Cina+India] Happy Merdeka Day. I love all of you!!

++pain in the ass [racism] you are banned and please get lost from this country!!
++31st August 1957 is not Malaysia's birthday. It's 16th Sept 1963.Thanks

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Rawks dude's wear

Promoting my friend's business blog.

Hey peeps, Raya is coming. Alhamdulillah after a week Puasa, all Muslims started to shop for Raya. Some people might say, "It’s too early for shopping" and some might say "hey come on, we should be prepared from now on". It's all in your hands. Huhu.

Just cut the crap…huhu. A good friend of mine just came back from London. He decided nk buat online business. So he bought few shirts (normal and branded) and accessories from UK. Yes originally came from UK. So for those yang takde masa nk shopping, you can easily log-in to his blog and see whether you interested to get it for your Raya. Okay.

Click here for start viewing.

Back then

Tak tahu lah, sekarang ni dh mula trend tag menge'tag' gmbr-gmbr lama ketika dibangku sekolah. Few of my friends have been doing the same thing. There are few pictures of mine telah di'tagged' by them in my FB account. Bila tengok2 balik 'sumpah cam sakai' dowh.. Haha. I have a lot of my oldies pictures when I was in school age but I don't feel like scanning those pictures and download it in. Not the time yet. Haha. So below are some of my pictures tagged by my friend. And obviously I look so naive and sengal in those pictures. Demit!! Haha.

This picture was taken in 1998. I was in standard 6 (6 Raya)

Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Tasik Ampang.

My Study Group (standard 6)

from left (behind) : inaz, ena, intan, fara, byda and ayu

from left (front) : imal, nuar, rusdi and an

Form 3, 2001. See how burok I was. Now?? Even worst I know!

Taken right after we finished our PMR

p/s: Gonna share a lot soon!! wait ar...

Iftar with 3R

Yes yesterday (Friday) we had 'buka puasa' with 3R at RedComm Kelana Jaya. Special thanks to Hadi for special invitation. The 'buka puasa' with 3R is actually for penonton bertuah from 3R shows every week. But since Hadi is one of the crew production, so he invited us to join the crowd.

Malas nk cerita panjang cause my friend had already posted the update at his blog. You can get the update by clicking here. Overall the event went smoothly and superb. We had fun to the max. 3R punya host yakni Rafidah, Tini and Celina mmg best. Kecoh sgt. The ex-host 3R Azah also came and she was totally crazy-laugh laugh and laugh!! Singer Ezlyn also joined the event as a Guest Artist that night.

So these are the pictures taken during the event...

p/s: Thanks ye Hadi.
Ralat : Not Iftar with anak yatim. Salah dengar..

Berak dan Karipap

Saya ada seorang kawan. Tgh chat2 bersama, tiba2 dia kata nk away..
Berak.. berak sambil makan karipap plak tu. Bodo punya Ejay!!

bayangkan individu ini, cangkung kat jamban sambil kunyah karipap...
mesti cute kan???

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Konspirasi kematian MJ

Setelah baca, sedeqahkan lah Al Fatihah buat Allahyarham Miqael….Al Fatihah!

Konspirasi Kematian Michael Jackson Demi anda semua, kami sanggup bersengkang mata untuk translatekan forward email yang kami terima ini. Tak tahu kebenaran tentang wujudnya konspirasi kematian Michael Jackson. Mungkin benar mungkin tidak. Hanya Dia yang tahu.

Michael Jackson {MJ) adalah seorang manusia yang sangat penyayang. Banyak hartanya yang telah dihabiskan dalam membantu dan menyokong gerakan-gerakan amal seperti Afrika Amerika, mangsa AIDS, mangsa dera kanak-kanak dan bermacam-macam lagi.

Walaupun dah berbuat pelbagai kebaikan, MJ masih gagal mencari ketenangan hati.. Dia cumalah seorang budak yang terperangkap di dalam badan seorang lelaki.. Impiannya adalah untuk menjadi budak kecil selama-lamanya. Impian ini ditambah pula dengan sejarahnya didera semasa kecil menyebabkan dia membina Neverland, tempat untuk seluruh kanak-kanak di dunia bermain dan gembira di situ.

Sila baca artikel ini sepenuhnya untuk membaca tentang konspirasi pembunuhan Michael Jackson.

Pada 1989, MJ telah mengejutkan dunia dengan membuat satu keputusan yang bakal memberikan impak yang sangat besar di dalam hidupnya. Melihat kehidupan dan ketenangan yang dimiliki oleh abangnya (Jermaine) setelah memeluk Islam, MJ telah membuat satu kenyataan gempar di satu sidang akhbar.

"Saya telah melihat Islam di dalam abang saya, saya telah membaca buku tentang Islam dan suatu hari nanti saya mahu rasakan ketenangan dan keamanan Islam itu".

Sejak kenyataan itu hidup MJ tidak sama seperti dahulu lagi. Dituduh berasmara dengan kanak-kanak, ditambah dengan pandangan-pandangan negatif daripada media Amerika Syarikat, dibebani hutang membuatkan MJ berada di tahap tertekan. Semua ini dilakukan agar peminat-peminat MJ melihatnya sebagai satu ikon yang gagal seterusnya membuatkan influence MJ berkurangan. Ini berhasrat untuk mengurangkan pengaruh peminat MJ.

Melarikan diri daripada tekanan pihak Media USA, MJ telah tinggal di England selama beberapa tahun. Di England, MJ berkawan rapat dengan Yusof Islam, Dari Yusof Islam, MJ belajar serba sedikit tentang Islam. Malah semasa di England , MJ telah berkawan rapat dengan seorang pencipta lagu, Zain Bhika yang telah menciptakan lagu "Give Thanks To Allah" khas untuk dinyanyikan oleh MJ bila-bila masa dia bersedia.

Semasa kes asmaranya dengan kanak-kanak dijalankan, MJ telah melarikan diri dan menetap di Bahrain . Di sana dia menjadi tetamu khas kepada anak Sultan Bahrain . Di sinilah MJ mula mendalami Islam. MJ belajar sembahyang, baca Al-Quran dan macam-macam lagi selama 3 tahun...

Akhirnya pada November 2008, MJ pulang ke Los Angeles dan membuat majlis memeluk Islam secara rasmi di rumah kawan karibnya. Pada December 2008, MJ telah pun pergi menunaikan haji bersama Sultan Bahrain dan anaknya.

Untuk konsert terakhirnya, MJ mempunyai agenda yang tersendiri untuk membuat kemunculan terakhir..

"Ini adalah konsert saya yang terakhir, Jumpa anda semua Julai nanti..." katanya memaklumkan yang ini adalah konsert terakhirnya dan berhasrat untuk mengumumkan yang dia adalah seorang Muslim. Malah MJ juga mahu menyanyikan lagu Give Thanks to Allah pada akhir konsertnya tersebut bersama Yusof Islam dan rakan2 muslim lainnya. Sebab itulah MJ memilih London sebagai tempat konsert terakhirnya bukannya di USA kerana takutkan pihak berkuasa USA ..

Pada 12.30 25 June, MJ memeluk managernya dan mengucapkan selamat malam. MJ berkata " Selepas berlatih selama 2 bulan akhirnya saya dah bersedia untuk konsert ini".. Selepas melambaikan tangan dan mengucapkan selamat malam, MJ pun pulang ke hotel. Tapi kira-kira jam 2.26 pagi, MJ didapat telah meninggal dunia..

Semasa 911 dihubungi, banyak soalan yang ditanya seolah-olah mereka tak tahu siapa itu MJ dan di mana MJ berada.. Nampaknya ada pihak yang cuba melengahkan masa bantuan tiba. Tambah pelik bila pihak hospital mengatakan hasil autopsy hanya boleh diperolehi selepas 2 bulan sedangkan teknologi sekarang dah bertambah canggih.

Oleh kerana itu, keluarga MJ telah pun mengupah private doktor untuk membuat autopsy kepada MJ. Keputusannya dikeluarkan hanya selepas 4 hari. Ternyata MJ mati kerana terlalu banyak dos anaethestic, satu ubat yang mampu membuatkan jantung berhenti berdenyuti jika diambil secara berlebihan.

Satu keputusan yang tidak diwar-warkan di media ialah perut MJ tidak mempunyai langsung ubat ini. Tapi darahnya dipenuhi dengan ubat tersebut. Malah badan MJ dipenuhi dengan kesan suntikan seolah-olah ada orang secara paksa menyuntik ubat tersebut ke dalam badan MJ.

Dalam CNN semasa diinterview, Presiden Amerika Syarikat Barrack Obama telah mengeluarkan satu kenyataan yang agak pelik.

"Saya suka MJ. Saya membesar mendengar lagunya. Ia satu kehilangan yang besar tapi saya jamin tiada konspirasi dalam kematiannya" .

Pelikkan kenapa seorang Presiden beria-beria cakap tiada konspirasi dalam kematian MJ sebelum keputusan rasmi autopsy MJ dikeluarkan? Kalau betullah MJ nak bunuh diri, buat apa dia beria-beria nak berlatih selama 2 bulan untuk konsert dia nie? Tak gitu?

Keluarga MJ inginkan MJ dikebumikan secara Islam. Tapi CIA telah muncul dan memberi ugutan jika pengebumian secara Islam dilakukan secara awan (dalam TV). Ugutannya ialah Katherine, mak MJ tidak akan mendapat hak penjagaan anak-anak MJ sebaliknya Debbie Rowe yang akan dapat.

Akhirnya mereka bersetuju untuk MJ dikebumikan secara Islam di Neverland. Tapi dengan syarat satu pengebumian olok-olok secara Kristian mesti diadakan. Dia dikebumikan sehari sebelum itu sebab itulah apa yang anda semua tengok di Tv adalah satu sandiwara dan sebab itu jugalah keranda MJ ditutup dan tak dibukak kerana dalam itu adalah kosong. Sebab mayatnya tak pernah ada dalam tue. Ini semua dilakukan semata-mata nak bagitau dunia yang kononnya MJ bukan seorang Islam.

Ini berlaku kerana USA takut akan kebangkitan Islam didunia kerana semakin ramai orang menganut agama Islam.

Cuba banyakan berapa ramai peminat MJ di dunia ini.

MJ meninggalkan kita dengan lagu ketuhanan (nasyid) yang belum siap rakaman di studio bertajuk GIVE THANKS TO ALLAH (Ucaplah Alhamdulillah)

Anda boleh download lagu tersebut dia sini :

(Dengarkan sebutan arabic dia yg jelas membuktikan beliau telah mempelajari Quran)

p/s: i just got this from email.Not sure whether it's true or not. Only Allah knows the truth.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Just now I had a discussion with my friends at Uia. Next week dh start midterm exams, so I have to get ready by now. Otw back home, I called Borhan and asked for lepak together with Hadi. They were not available. So no lepak-lepak tonight. Hehe.

Reached home straight away sit in front of my lappy. Like usual Facebook-ing, blogging, chatting and etc. Ouh yeah I had great talk with my old friend; Wan NF. Discussed a bit abt our Iftar+Reunion.

Tak sabar rasanya. Ouh yeah for this Reunion me, Wan NF and Borhan would be the masterminds. Hoho. Few places suggested by Borhan, Wan NF and me. Not decide yet where would be the place. [beli kat bazar and makan kat kantin sekolah - Wan's suggestion] Haha..

Chatting, Fb-ing and blogging sampai x sedar dh time sahur. Huhu. We had Ayam Golek and Bubur Lambuk for sahur. Like usual I ate a lot. Huhu. Tak tau lar, this time Ramadhan aku mmg mkn byk. Tapi Alhamdulillah berat x naik malah reduce 2kgs weyh. Haha.

Today we gonna have our Iftar at Red Com Kelana Jaya. Hadi invited us to join Red Com break fast with anak-anak yatim. InsyaAllah we'll be there. Huhu

p/s: xtdo lagi. tgh tunggu Azan Subuh. Afta subuh then only I can tidur kaw kaw punye. Today got no class. Cuma ada discussion lagi afta Jumaat Prayer. Taraaaa....!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

memang gila!!

Conversation kami bertiga. Jam menunjukkan pukul 12.30mlm. Dah malam-malam buta ada hati nak lepak Hafiz Corner. Tapi masalahnya semua takut mak marah. Nak bawak kete obvious sgt, so kitorg plan naik scoot. Si Borhan, Hadi yg bawak. Tak tahu lah gerak ke tak scooter uzur Hadi tu. Aku bawak scoot ego yg best!! hahaha...

Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim has joined the conference.

mr_pinoxz has joined the conference.

mr_pinoxz: ape kita lepak kat sini ke?
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: hadi
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: haah kan
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: ok gak
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: ikmal..senyap ar
mr_pinoxz: senyap sebab babi
mr.lingerie: tgh order 3 layered tea
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: apakah babi tetiba
mr.lingerie: kohnyet sial
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: aku nk mkn roti kosong n telor campur potong2
mr_pinoxz: nk tom yam campur
mr_pinoxz: huhu
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: eh..lapar nih
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: jom la lepak
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: hadi
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: meh la dtg rumah aku
mr_pinoxz: ikmal on ke??
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: tah..dia tu senyap je
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: melancap ar tu
mr_pinoxz: yelah tu
mr_pinoxz: haih
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: mak aku tak tdo lg..nk kuar bwk kete sure tak blh pny
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: konfem
mr.lingerie: sori
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: line tak clear lg nih
mr.lingerie: blogging
mr.lingerie: dh abes
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: so sp nk hangkut sp?
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim:
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: hadi..ko bwk aku naik moto berani?
mr_pinoxz: aku mmg tak bleh..hehehe..jawapan tggl satu je
mr_pinoxz: ko nk ke?
mr_pinoxz: heheheh
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: klu ko blh bwk aku naik moto..aku ok je..
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: tp ko tu blh ke?
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: aku gemok..
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: haaaa
mr.lingerie: haaa...
mr.lingerie: aku sah sah la xboleh
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: apasal plk tak blh?
mr.lingerie: an + aku = pancit
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: kan..
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: terus tak gerak
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: so hadi
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: cmne>
mr_pinoxz: hahahahah
mr_pinoxz: aku tak kisah..
mr_pinoxz: hentam je la
mr.lingerie: jom
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: hentam blh bwk ke tak?
mr.lingerie: aku naik scoot
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: ni serius ni
mr.lingerie: jom jom
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: aku tak main2
mr.lingerie: buat kerja gila mlm ni
mr_pinoxz: ok ok
mr.lingerie: hafiz jahhhh
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: haa..
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: ok..
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: korg dtg rumah aku
mr_pinoxz: ok ok
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: kumpul dpn rumah
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: panggil geng2 lain
mr.lingerie: ok
mr.lingerie: aku call samad
mr.lingerie: hadi kau call husin
mr_pinoxz: aku nk hassan
mr_pinoxz: hahahha
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: wei..ko jgn lupa ajak si saad
mr.lingerie: hassan dh otw
mr_pinoxz: ok
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: kimak betol
mr_pinoxz: hhahaha...
mr_pinoxz: bonggok
mr_pinoxz: aku gerak
mr.lingerie: gerak gerak khas
mr.lingerie: btol2 la dowh
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: gerak skg..
mr.lingerie: si saad nk join ke??
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: ok2..
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: aku siap..
Ahmad Farhan Ab.Karim: kimak
mr_pinoxz has left the conference.

p/s: watak-watak seperti Saad, Husin, Hasan, Samad dll adalah watak tambahan. Nak sedapkan cerita. Bajet ajak satu kampung lepak. Haha...

++we just came back from lepak. Now it's 3am. Ouh yes, plan nak kuar naik scoot x jadi dek kerana si Borhan. Baru naik scooter hadi, terus berbunyi "praappp" lalu:

Borhan : Hadi kita naik kete je lah.
Hadi : Ok (sambil gelak)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

a good side of you - matang

saya gembira
si dia kembali positif
ini lah yang kami harapkan
berfikiran matang
jgn ikutkan sgt perasaan
jgn mudah terpedaya
duduk seketika
berfikir sejenak
tak salah muhasabah diri
tetapkan pendirian
percaya pada diri
cinta yg asli akan kekal selamanya

Cook for Iftar

This morning before leaving house for class, I've decided to stay at Uia tonight cause at night I've got discussions with my colleagues. So I packed all my stuff including my lappy. My mom asked me "Tido Uia ke malam ni?" then I said "Haah kot" ...with 'kot' following behind it shows that aku pun not sure whether to stay at Uia or not. =)

Today my class finished at 3.30. One of my friend asked me "Mcm mana beb, jadi ke discussion mlm ni?" then I said "Not sure yet la cause I'm thinking of going back" . Haha kata nk stay Uia.. Freak tho!! "Ok anything just inform me" my friend said.

On the way back, Sarah called me. "Babe meh la dtg Waizuri, kita buka sama2. Naj ngn Baby pun ada". Then I said "Hurm see 1st kay". For me it's too early kot nk break fast kat luar with friends. Yes my priority is Family. [Family comes first]

I reached home around 4pm. Sampai2 terus masuk bilik my mom cause she called me. My mom was not feeling well. Batuk2 and headache sikit. Then I asked my mom "Mama you nak I masak ke?" then my mom said "Takpe Mama boleh masak". Gigih jugak nk masak tho xsihat.

After few minutes, my mom called me and she asked me to masak for Iftar today. Then I asked my mom "what do we have in fridge?" my mom said "daging" Hurm.. I had no idea what to cook. The my mom said "masak yg simple2 je like sup daging". Then I said "takpelah I nak masak Daging Black Pepper".. Yes I cooked Daging Black Pepper cause it's simple and easy.

During Iftar..

Baba : Siapa masak ni??
Imal : I lah masak.
Baba : Bukan kakak masak ke??
Mama : Imal yg masak. Sedap kan!
Baba : Hurm not bad!!
Imal : Blushing.. =P

There people... today in history tau. I cooked for my family during Ramadhan. For Iftar some more. I feel so impressive to myself cause I cooked for them in Ramadhan. Masak without rasa. Main belasah je ekceli. Then point is, feel happy cause I could help my mother to cook for Iftar. Now she totally can rely on me. Peace!!

p/s: so Margaret I've got one of the ciri-ciri tambahan. hoho =p

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Salam Aidilfitri - wadehek's not raya yet.
But now I feel like btul2 raya cause my sister dah putarkan lagu raya.
(now i'm listening to lagu raya by Dato' Siti Nurhaliza while typing this entry)

Terasa mcm malam raya dowh...

"Adehhh kakak aku ni, baru 4 hari puasa dah pasang lagu raya..."

But this year better kot as compared to last year...
last year, blum lagi puasa dia dh pasang lagu raya..
yes it was malam 1st Tarawih dia dh pasang lagu raya...

STROKE. Remember the 1st three Steps

STROKE: Remember the 1st Three Letters S.T.R.

A nurse friend sent this and encouraged me to post it and spread the word. I agree. If everyone can remember something this simple, we may save someone.

Please read:


During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she told everyone that she was ok (they offered to call for medical help) .she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.

They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, she went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening

Her husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 pm she passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die. they end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.

It only takes a minute to read this...

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.


Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, S.T.R . Read and Learn!

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

S *Ask the individual to SMILE.

T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)
(i.e. It is sunny out today)

R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue

NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue.. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other,that is also an indication of a stroke.

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.

I have done my part. Have you?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Flirting or being friendly???

I drove car from Ampang to Gombak. Yes I need to go to the class (what friends from other universities all graduated already and there are some yang dah convo pun. Me?? I'm still in the class...sighs) Cut the crap. I just wanna share something that I have listened to the radio this morning. Something that guys and girls should know…

I was listening to the radio ( while driving. There is one fella sent an email to and he wants people to discuss and give suggestions how to overcome his problem. The story begins here...

The guy had this one girlfriend. They were good friends. And later after quite some times, the girl realized that she had some feeling towards this guy. The girl said that, she's been treated so nice by this guy like special one in which actually to this guy, it doesn't work like that. He never meant to play around with the girl's feeling because for him, they were just friends. The sender needs all to discuss about this matter. So the topic need to be discussed was "how to differentiate between flirting and being friendly"...

So many callers called and these are among of the suggestions...
1st caller : No touch between girl and guy. Otherwise they might feel something flowery.
2nd caller : No deeply eye contact to women while you have serious talk with her.
3rd caller : Less going out/dating together (only both of you)
4th caller : The guy should tell the truth ; we're just friends.

So people, what do you think??? Well it depends on how you are going to overcome this problem, your individual perspective. From my observation, the guy shouldn't treat the girl so damn special until the girl is falling for you. And for women, do not jump into it so easily. Men are men, women are women. I know it wasn't your intention to love or to be loved, it's just came naturally. I understand.. But on top of that, please do not ruin your friendship. (This gonna be something that you will regret soon) Let it remains as it is.

p/s: Yes I miss those moments.. =) peacenowar

Tlak ceahp

++Just hit my crib and straight away sit in front of my lappy.

++Now it's 2.30a.m (Kuala Lumpur's time)

++Went out with Hadi and An. We had some coffee (milo ais sbnrnya).

++Don't feel sleepy. But gotta sleep soon.. =)

++Tomorrow got class at 10a.m (still studying??? len sume dh konvo)

++Loser???? naahh.. don't think so... (get as much lesson as I can)

++Enough for today... betta gotta sleep now...

++End... yes it's e.n.d..

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Optical Magic

Can you stare at the picture?? You found that the wheels are rounding.
But actually they are not even moving pun. It's just your illusion.
Nice huh..?!! but lil bit pening kan... =)

Nice one!!

Look at the pictures above. What come across on your mind?? It is something that you don't wanna think especially in this holy Ramadhan right. Haha.. It’s just a towel! But I like the way they fashioned the towel with those kinds of image. --kul kan???

Can you read this??

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too.

Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.

The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

Ghosts of the Victoria Institution Boys School

"To be a Scholar, a Sportsman and a Gentleman" is the motto of the Victoria Institution, a high-achieving English school for boys in Malaysia, and also one of the oldest.

It dates back, in fact, to 1893 and boasts an illustrious history of academic and sporting excellence. Traditional principles and ideals are still maintained there and the pristine, white buildings have been impeccably preserved and restored - including those that were used by the Japanese during the World War II occupation as administration buildings.

It is said that the execution of war prisoners was carried out here, and students have described hearing chains rattling, a platoon marching and horrible cries during the night.

The shadow of a hanged man suspended from a tree in the courtyard is said to be visible on occasion, and some boys have even claimed to have been woken by a ghostly figure standing over their beds, staring at them.

Written by larapiegeler.

cam-whoring -mereka gila!!

apabila mereka bertemu... mmg jadi cam-whoring (bak kata kak shnz)

p/s: ouh saya dan hadi tidak ada dalam gmbr. Kitorg mc (bak kata shafina)
ouh ye, kami bersepakat menyatakan bahawasanya...siapa x suka, sila berambus..!! (sejak bila aku jadi mean mcm no no thts not me)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Misi istimewa Penyampai Ikon

Sebanyak 17 peserta yang terpilih menyertai program Penyampai Ikon tidak mempunyai pengalaman, baik di depan kamera mahupun dalam bidang kewartawanan. Berjayakah Penyampai Ikon menzahirkan impian mereka untuk bergelar penyampai televisyen terhebat? Saksikan bakat mereka pukul 9 malam ini di TV2 RTM. Untuk berita lanjuk sila klik disini.

Tidak mahu bercakap dan merapik banyak. Just wana wish u Faizi good luck n congrats for being selected to be one of the finalist. Tak sangka plak kau dpt ek. The day I went back from Ilham, Faizi texted me whether tomorow (the next day Monday) Im free or not. Cause he wanted me to teman him to go to RTM for this ujibakat. Then I said, "sorry babe esok ada class. Very important class; econometrix, micro and macro, so mmg xdpt teman." I thought he was kidding, rupa2nya betul2 die pergi and now he is one of the finalist utk program tu. Haha. Cam kelakar. Anyhoo good luck la ye..!! =)

p/s: Good luck and all the best!!

Happy Ramadhan!!!

Yeayy... Happy Ramadhan people!!

Ramadhan has come. We should be thankful cause we still have the chance to celebrate the Holy Month this year. Alhamdulillah. Ouh its Ramadhan, it reminds me of my previous2 Ramadhan, how did I celebrate my Ramadhan. Same goes to you kan?? Come on, everybody has their own experiences celebrating Ramadhan kot.. =)

Like me, last Ramadhan mmg so ordinary in terms of spiritual side lar. Cause I was not enjoyed the Ramadhan to the fullest -in a good way i mean. Cause most of the night during Ramadhan last year, I spent it with watching movies at cinema. lain pergi Terawih, me and my friends..kitorg byk spent time kat OU. Wasn't it bad??? aihh...

Alhamdulillah, ive started my Ramadhan this year with good faith. Terawih on the 1st night weyh..hehe. Ala biasa lah, mula2 je.. huhu.. But everybody has their own target and aim for every Ramadhan kan. Same goes to me. Target semua yg baik2 je obviously. Dpt ke tak terpulang kepada capability masing2 kan??

p/s: Here is Ramadhan. Use the opportunity wisely to get closer with The Almighty. Maybe this would be our last Ramadhan..who knows kan???? =)

Things Ive done before Ramadhan

Ahlan Wasahlan ya Ramadhan. There are few things that I have done b4 Ramadhan came..

1. Karaoke session
Last week on Tuesday, ive got message from Borhan. He asked me to join him and Hadi Karok. Since that week was the last week before Ramadhan, so I decided to go je lar. I asked Sarah, Farah n Naj to join. We had so much fun Karok together. -Karok : Karaoke

2. Sushi King time
The next day pulak, which on Wednesday. My friend Nida asked me out. "Ikmal jom makan sushi, lama gila x makan sushi. Jom lar before puasa". Yes we went to Sushi King KLCC. We ate a lot. My friend Nida, ouh she loves sushi so much, so do I. hehe

3. Family gathering
My mom asked all of us for a Dinner. She said "Jom makan2 before puasa". We planned to eat at Nelayan Restaurant. Since we have it on Wednesday night, then I said to my mom "Ma cannot la.. jauh. Im from uia, the next day I got exams n program." Yes the next day i've got 2 exams and in the evening i've got a program with IIUM Peers. Taknak spoil kat mood semua org, we have it at Pizza Hut je. Hoho. -kesian semua org, mkn pizza je.. =)

4. IIUM Peers program
Sharing Moment program for Engineering Students conducted by IIUM Peers and collaborated with Counseling Services Department of IIUM. Last week i got called from my adviser, "Ikmal get ready, next week Sharing Moment u will be the MC ok". So I was the MC for Sharing Moment program. It wasn't that hard cause dh selalu jadi MC. The program went smoothly. Alhamdulillah...

p/s: No pictures taken. No phone No camera No picture..!! damn

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back by popular demand

Talentime is back!! For those who missed to watch Talentime in Cinema last March you can get your ticket now at the selected cinema to watch Talentime, a film by Yasmin Ahmad. The producer of this film said, this film is back due to popular demand from the public. Part of the profit selling this movie, will be given as charities.

I watched this movie last March and now I'm still hoping to watch it again. I still remember last semester, it was in the iium library, one of my friend came after me and said "babe lets watch Talentime" without think much, i immediately said "jom!!". Then one of my friend said to me "hey bukan korg esok ada exam ke??lagi nk tgk movie". Yes we were in exams' week at that time. But my love to Yasmin's films never stop me to watch her's no matter in what conditions.

Overall Talentime was a great great movie so far. If we want to compare with other Yasmin's films, my personal opinion, i think Talentime is the best. I love the storyline of it, and all the OST were so amazing including the Indian song. I love 'Pergi' or 'I Go' by Aizat as well as 'Angel' by Atilia. Amazingly, there are few people who actually acting for their first time like Mahesh, Pamela Chong, Jaclyn Victor and Kahoe. Even though that was thier 1st time experience in acting, I think they did a very good job. That was special touch by Yasmin who actually wants real people in real film.

These are the "Talentime" babes:

Name: Mohammad Syafie bin Naswip
Age: 17 years
Education: Form 5 - SMK Gombak Setia Kuala Lumpur
Films: Mukhsin and Talentime
Name: Pamelo Chong Ven Teen
Age: 26 Years
Education: Degree in BA MASS Communication and Multimedia
Film: Talentime
Name: Mahesh Jugal Kishor

Age: 19 Years
Education: Diploma in IT (Asia Pasific of Information Technology)
Film: Talentime
Name: Jaclyn Victor
Age: 31 Years
Achievements: Champion Malaysia Idol Session 1
Film: Talentime
Name: Howard Hon Kahoe
Age: 17 Years
Education: Form 5 - SMK Gombak Setia Kuala Lumpur
Film: Talentime
p/s: so peeps go and watch Talentime. It's a worth film. Yes we gonna miss Yasmin Ahmad and her touch in Films and Commercials. R.I.P Yasmin Ahmad (1958-2009)

Words say too much. Love comes in silence - Mahesh

The screening of Talentime will be held in selected cinemas nationwide including:
GSC Cinemas in Midvalley Megamall (KL), Queensbay Mall (Penang), Sunway Carnival (Prai), Dataran Pahlawan (Melaka), Alamanda (Putrajaya); TGV Cinema in KLCC (KL), Bukit Tinggi (Klang), Bukit Raja (Klang), Tebrau City (Johor), Cheras Selatan (KL), 1Utama (Petaling Jaya); MBO Cinemas in Ampang (Selangor), Batu Pahat Mall (Johor), MBO Kluang (Johor), MBO Skudai (Johor) Independent Cinemas in Growball (Kota Kinabalu) and The Mall (Brunei).